Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Biz Buzz: New Indie Children's Bookstore — Online

I just read a bit of news about Through the Magic Door, an independent online bookstore that launched in June. Founder Charles Bayless wanted to create an online version of the rapidly vanishing indie store, where customers can get their hands on stacks of wonderful backlist titles, gather to discuss children's lit, find personalized recommendations based on a child's reading preferences, and generally feel good about who is getting their money.

I've done little more than click on a few of TMD's main navigational buttons, but I am intrigued. The store is still somewhat under construction, it seems, but I'll definitely check on its progress — and track whether it can make a go of it. I like the sound of its mission, and I wish the enterprise well.

Check it out and see what you think.

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