Friday, September 23, 2011

KidLit Quote of the Week #2

Time again for a KidLit Quote of the Week! Last week's entry was on the practical side (the funny one, too), while this week's is all about inspiration — and motivation.

"Far away in the sunshine are my highest aspirations. I may not reach them, but I can look up and see the beauty, believe in them, and try to follow where they lead."

I consider raising the bar for yourself one of the most important guiding principles a person can embrace, and because I am a writer with ever-expanding writerly aspirations, I feel Alcott's articulation of it directly applies to my work. And, yes, to my sense of self, too.

It can be hard to walk that talk some days (and, no need to pretend — it's difficult some several years at a time), but I know that when I do "look up," the beauty is right there for the seeing and helps light the path I need to travel.


Margaret L. Moser said...

A wonderful quote, and excellent reaction to it. LMA often referred to "Castles in the Air" in her books, but it was clear that she always meant they were attainable ( the castles, not necessarily the books). Always loved that.

Best luck on your travels. I am certain that they will go far.

Lisa said...

Hey, thanks, MLM. I know LMA is beloved, but I don't think she gets nearly enough credit for her talent or for making it easier for female authors that came after her.