A few of my titles have made publisher-booth appearances, but, sadly, nobody has ever been interested in having me (read paying for me to) tag along to do author signings or provide complimentary valet services for harried exhibit staff. Not even after I've explained that I'd studied Italian film in college (so I know several Italian words!) and thought my professor, who lives just a short high-speed train trip away in Milan, would surely make good on his 20-year-old invitation to drop in — with whomever I might be traveling — for a spot of vino and a wealth of insider tourist tips. Harrumph.
This year's Fair is in its second full day, and I'm enjoying Craig Virden's PW-sponsored blog Bologna By Day and Night. On it, Craig serves up candid impressions of the atmosphere and goings-on. Take a peek for yourself — and I'll see you at the Fair!
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