It's just before nine o'clock this morning, and although I've been up for hours now, it took me a while to truly get "at 'em." Not that there's anything wrong with the occasional slow start. I enhanced this one with a few tunes that fit my mood, which is a-jumble with flashes of transitional melancholia and hopeful determination. (Yeah, it's Monday.)
This song has always warmed me, so I was pleased to stumble upon it when initially searching my library for the more on-the-nose "Monday, Monday."
It perfectly speaks to my mindset as I continue defining and refining my path as a children's writer — and the other things I am, and do. My path, my interests, my work, my particular skills? Well, they are mine. Not yours or his or hers. Mine. And any day in which I get a reminder to sing my own special song is a good day, indeed.
Sing your song today, too, please — okay?